Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Tugas PKTI 2C : e-commerce


Perdagangan elektronik atau e-dagang (bahasa Inggris: Electronic commerce, juga e-commerce) adalah penyebaran, pembelian, penjualan, pemasaran barang dan jasa melalui sistem elektronik seperti internet atau televisi, www, atau jaringan komputer lainnya. E-dagang dapat melibatkan transfer dana elektronik, pertukaran data elektronik, sistem manajemen inventori otomatis, dan sistem pengumpulan data otomatis.
Industri teknologi informasi melihat kegiatan e-dagang ini sebagai aplikasi dan penerapan dari e-bisnis (e-business) yang berkaitan dengan transaksi komersial, seperti: transfer dana secara elektronik, SCM (supply chain management), e-pemasaran (e-marketing), atau pemasaran online (online marketing), pemrosesan transaksi online (online transaction processing), pertukaran data elektronik (electronic data interchange /EDI), dll.
E-dagang atau e-commerce merupakan bagian dari e-business, di mana cakupan e-business lebih luas, tidak hanya sekedar perniagaan tetapi mencakup juga pengkolaborasian mitra bisnis, pelayanan nasabah, lowongan pekerjaan dll. Selain teknologi jaringan www, e-dagang juga memerlukan teknologi basisdata atau pangkalan data (databases), e-surat atau surat elektronik (e-mail), dan bentuk teknologi non komputer yang lain seperti halnya sistem pengiriman barang, dan alat pembayaran untuk e-dagang ini.
E-dagang pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun 1994 pada saat pertama kali banner-elektronik dipakai untuk tujuan promosi dan periklanan di suatu halaman-web (website). Menurut Riset Forrester, perdagangan elektronik menghasilkan penjualan seharga AS$12,2 milyar pada 2003. Menurut laporan yang lain pada bulan oktober 2006 yang lalu, pendapatan ritel online yang bersifat non-travel di Amerika Serikat diramalkan akan mencapai seperempat trilyun dolar US pada tahun 2011.

Sejarah perkembangan

Istilah "perdagangan elektronik" telah berubah sejalan dengan waktu. Awalnya, perdagangan elektronik berarti pemanfaatan transaksi komersial, seperti penggunaan EDI untuk mengirim dokumen komersial seperti pesanan pembelian atau invoice secara elektronik.
Kemudian dia berkembang menjadi suatu aktivitas yang mempunya istilah yang lebih tepat "perdagangan web" — pembelian barang dan jasa melalui World Wide Web melalui server aman (HTTPS), protokol server khusus yang menggunakan enkripsi untuk merahasiakan data penting pelanggan.
Pada awalnya ketika web mulai terkenal di masyarakat pada 1994, banyak jurnalis memperkirakan bahwa e-commerce akan menjadi sebuah sektor ekonomi baru. Namun, baru sekitar empat tahun kemudian protokol aman seperti HTTPS memasuki tahap matang dan banyak digunakan. Antara 1998 dan 2000 banyak bisnis di AS dan Eropa mengembangkan situs web perdagangan ini.
Faktor kunci sukses dari e-commerce

Dalam banyak kasus, sebuah perusahaan e-commerce bisa bertahan tidak hanya mengandalkan kekuatan produk saja, tapi dengan adanya tim manajemen yang handal, pengiriman yang tepat waktu, pelayanan yang bagus, struktur organisasi bisnis yang baik, jaringan infrastruktur dan keamanan, desain situs web yang bagus, beberapa faktor yang termasuk:
1.   Menyediakan harga kompetitif
2.   Menyediakan jasa pembelian yang tanggap, cepat, dan ramah.
3.   Menyediakan informasi barang dan jasa yang lengkap dan jelas.
4.   Menyediakan banyak bonus seperti kupon, penawaran istimewa, dan diskon.
5.   Memberikan perhatian khusus seperti usulan pembelian.
6.   Menyediakan rasa komunitas untuk berdiskusi, masukan dari pelanggan, dan lain-lain.
7.   Mempermudah kegiatan perdagangan

Permasalahan dalam e-commerce

1.   Penipuan dengan cara pencurian identitas dan membohongi pelanggan.
2.   Hukum yang kurang berkembang dalam bidang e-commerce ini.

Aplikasi e-commerce
Beberapa aplikasi umum yang berhubungan dengan e-commerce adalah:
§  E-mail dan Messaging
§  Content Management Systems
§  Dokumen, spreadsheet, database
§  Akunting dan sistem keuangan
§  Informasi pengiriman dan pemesanan
§  Pelaporan informasi dari klien dan enterprise
§  Sistem pembayaran domestik dan internasional
§  Newsgroup
§  On-line Shopping
§  Conferencing
§  Online Banking/internet Banking
§  Product Digital/Non Digital
Perusahaan perusahaan terkenal yang menjual dalam bidang e-commerce adalah : eBay,amazon.com dan PayPal

Sumber :
§  Chaudhury, Abijit & Jean-Pierre Kuilboer (2002), e-Business and e-Commerce Infrastructure, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-247875-6
§  Seybold, Pat (2001), Customers.com, Crown Business Books (Random House), ISBN 0-609-60772-3
§  Wikipedia.com

pembuatan tugas :

hari : kamis
tanggal : 21 juni 2012
jam akses : 20.25

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

tugas softskills b.inggris : TEMPAT WISATA DI JEPANG


As we know, Japan is one country in Asia which has beautiful scenery and unique culture. Here I will discuss some of the must-see sights when you visit Japan.

1. Waterfall in Japan

kegon waterfall

Kegon no taki is a waterfall located on Lake Chuzenji, National Park Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. The inventor was a monk named Shodo Shonin. The name "Kegon" comes from the Avatamsaka Sutra in the title for the Japanese. This waterfall is one of the three most famous waterfalls in Japan together with Nachi Waterfall and Waterfalls Fukuroda. From above the falls, tourists can go down to the bottom of the waterfall using the lift. The waterfall is formed after the Daiya River flow changes its direction due to the lava flow caused by the eruption of Mount Nantai. A number of smaller waterfalls located on the left-right and rear main waterfall with water coming from the cracks of rocks. This waterfall is a favorite location for suicide. On May 22, 1903, Misao Fujimura wrote his last poem, entitled The feeling at the Top Reef (Gantō no Kan) before going to commit suicide.

2. Diverse zoo in Japan

Asahiyama zoo 

Asahikawa-shi Asahiyama Dōbutsuen. Asahiyama Zoo is a zoo in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan. Although geographically located at the zoo in northern Japan, total visitors per month, often more than the total visitor Ueno Zoo is located in downtown Tokyo. From 1967 to 2009, this zoo has visited more than 30 million visitors. The zoo has an aquarium cage and props are built based on the concept of "performance behavior" to show the behavior of animals and unique way of life. Seals, for example, swimming vertically in a cylindrical water tank in accordance with their interests and views of visitors to see. Orangutans can demonstrate their ability to hang with both hands while walking on a rope at a height of 17 meters. After the opening of the Pavilion of the Sea Dogs in June 2004, visitors in July 2004 increased by 185 461 people, and increased to 321 500 visitors in August 2004. Total visitors per month for July and August 2004 put Asahiyama Zoo is a zoo with the most visitors in a month, and for the first time beat Ueno Zoo in Tokyo. In 2004, the zoo is visited by more than 3 million visitors, and is the most visited zoo in Japan after the Ueno Zoo (3.5 million visitors).

Ueno zoo

Tōkyō-toOnshi Dōbutsuen Ueno) is a zoo located in Ueno Park, distrikTaitō, Tokyo, Japan. First opened to the public on March 20, 1882, Ueno Zoo is the oldest zoo in Japan. The zoo has about 500 species of animals, with a major collection of rare animals such as Sumatran tigers and gorillas, West Plains. This zoo is the owner of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Having previously managed the Tokyo Metropolitan Public Works Department, the management of the zoo was transferred to the Foundation of the Association of Zoos Tokyo since 1 April 2006. Apart from Ueno Zoo, other zoos run by the Association of Zoos Foundation Tokyo is Tama Zoological Park, Tokyo Sea Life Park, and Zoo Inokashira From Ueno Station, Ueno Zoo Front Gate can be reached by walking for 5 minutes. The inside of the zoo is divided into two areas: Zoo Zoo East and West. In addition to walking, visitors can ride the monorail that connects the Zoo Zoo East and West. The monorail at Ueno Zoo is the first monorail in Japan. Front Gate is located in the East Zoo, zoo while children and Swimming Shinobazu Zoo located in the West. Zoo's five-story pagoda there is East which was first built in 1631. The building is pagoda is now prize-giving Kan'ei ji for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in 1958.

           3. Various kinds of Castle in Japan
 Heian Palace
           or Daidairi is the imperial palace in the capital of Japan's Heian-kyo (Kyoto) from 794 until 1227. The palace is located at the north end of town, and city planning of Chang'an was built to imitate the Tang Dynasty and Sui Dynasty. The palace serves as the official residence of the emperor and the administrative center of Japan during the Heian period (794-1185).The palace is located in an enclosed area surrounded by walls. Inside are some ceremonial and administrative buildings, including offices of the ministry. In the palace called the Dairi separate walled, and is the residence of the Emperor of Japan's complex. In addition to the emperor's residence, Dairi is where the wives of the emperor's residence and buildings used in carrying out the emperor's official and ceremonial duties.The main purpose of the construction of this palace to realize the centralized model of government was adopted from China in the 7th century, following his eight denganDaijō Ministry underneath. The palace was designed as a place that deserves to be the residence of the emperor, as well as office buildings to run the affairs of government and other ceremonial events. In the Palace (Dairi) continue to be used as the emperor's residence until the 12th century, but other buildings were made for the grand ceremony was no longer in use sejakabad to-9. This is due to no longer force of some ceremonial procedures stipulated by law, and several ceremonial transfer of the remainder into a smaller building at the Dairi.Since the mid-Heian period, the palace suffered several fires and other disasters. During reconstruction, the emperor and the number of tasks transferred to ministries outside the palace. More frequent fires and the loss of political power from the hands of the emperor's cause is no longer used as the Heian court administration center. In the end, the palace burned down in 1227, and was never rebuilt. On the ground the former palace buildings was set so that almost no remains of buildings are left. Knowledge of the Heian court based solely on contemporary sources, charts and ancient paintings, as well as the archaeological excavations carried out on a limited basis since the late 1970s.

           Himeji Palace

           (Himeji-jo Japanese) is a palace located in the city of Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. According to the provincial division of a bygone era, the palace is located in Harima-no-kuni, Shikito-gun, Himeji. Enchanting beauty that dominates the white stucco walls of the palace make Himeji Castle has another name "white egret bird palace" (Japanese: Shirasagi-jo). Himeji Castle is one example of palace architecture of the early relics of the 17th century's most important. Himeji Castle has always escaped the danger of the fire of war and survived the fall of the palace in the hands of the enemy, so that the main tower and other buildings of the palace is still much left. The Japanese government set up 8 buildings, including the main towers, turrets, and Watari-Yagura at the palace complex as a state heritage. In addition, the manifold building with a total of 74 buildings in the palace complex (27 buildings Yagura / Watari-Yagura, building 15 gates, 32 building walls) shall be established as an important cultural heritage. Himeji Castle is rated as the world's cultural heritage is very valuable, so that in 1993 UNESCO put into the Himeji Castle World Heritage Site list in the category of cultural heritage. From a distance looks beautiful with walls of white castles, Himeji Castle is often used as a film location with a background of ancient Japanese history. The palace is also often used as a substitute location for the other palaces such as Edo Castle.

             Hiroshima Castle

             Hiroshima-jo castle is often called the Koi fish is a palace located in the city of Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Was first built in 1589, Hiroshima Castle was the center of Hiroshima han the daimyo power. Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 destroyed the entire palace. Palaces that have now is a replica built in 1958 and serves as a museum of the history of Hiroshima before World War II period. The main tower is black like the color of the koi fish or moat around the castle there is lots of koi became known as the Hiroshima Castle grounds koi palace. Baseball team pride Hiroshima Toyo Carp was named Hiroshima Carp in English because it means the Koi fish.

             Japan Castle

              (shiro or jokaku) is a large building that was built Using wood and stone as a primary building material, and designed as the center of defense when the enemy comes to attack. In times of war used as headquarters, a place to store funds the purposes of war, as well as a central repository such as food and ammunition supplies. The palace is considered to be a place of residence is important warlords, the central government and the collection of information about the war situation. Just as Europe's castles, castles in Japan are generally built near the main road or the river for ease of transport and maintain the areas considered strategic. Kanji characters for the palace is shiro which read as if preceded by the name jo castle, for example, in Japanese, read as Osaka Castle Osaka-jo.

                Buddhist and Shinto shrines in Nikko

                is a temple which was built in the Edo period established Nikko mountain slope, located in Tochigi Prefecture. for centuries been a sacred site known for his works of architecture and decorative. They are closely associated with the history of the Tokugawa shoguns. A World Heritage Site is interesting, because it is located on the slopes of Mount Nikko which is Sacred.

                  Osaka Palace

                  (Osaka-jo) is a palace located in the Osaka Castle Park, the district of Chuo-ku, Osaka city, Japan. Osaka Castle is located in the extreme northern regions Uemachi, occupy the site on higher ground than the surrounding area. Osaka Castle is a heritage building that is protected by the Japanese government. The main tower of Osaka Castle is a towering symbol of the city of Osaka. Osaka Castle palace once used as a fortress since the days of Azuchi Momoyama to the Edo period. Osaka Castle is currently comprised of the main tower is protected by two layers of a high wall surrounded by two layers of the trench, the trench section (Uchibori) and the outer moat (Sotobori). Water used to flow through the palace moat flows taken from the Yodo River to the north of Osaka Castle. According to ancient Japan, Osaka Castle (Osaka-jo-jo or Ōzaka) located in the province of Setsu (old name for Osaka and surroundings), the Higashinari Goori, Osaka. In accordance with the replacement of Kanji characters used to write in Japanese city of Osaka, Osaka Castle's name is now written as (Osaka-jo).

                    4. Various museum in Japan

                    Kyoto International Manga museum

                    (Kyoto Kokusai Manga Museum) is a manga museum in Kyoto, Japan. The location occupies a former elementary school in the district of the city of Kyoto Tatsuike Nakagyo which was partially rebuilt. Museum was inaugurated on 25 November 2006 as the first integrated manga museum in Japan. The collection of 200 thousand domestic issue of Japan's manga and manga publications outside Japan. In addition, the museum also holds a magazine from the Meiji era and used books belong to the book stall rental of age after World War II, today's popular manga, and manga from various countries around the world. Since the beginning, this museum is a collaboration between the Kyoto city government provided land and buildings and the Department of Kyoto Seika MangaUniversitas. Museum is now managed by a management board consisting of representatives of the university and the city government. Appointed as head of the museum honors anatomist Takeshi Yoro, known to write a book called Baka no Kabe. Museum employs four specialist researcher of art history and the history of modern thought. Museum, among others, has a gallery zone, the zone of the study, collection storage zone, a permanent exhibition space, and special exhibition space. The main attraction of "Manga Wall" which is filled with about 50 thousand volumes of manga published in the 1970s began in a 140-meter rack. Visitors can bring manga to read on the museum lawn. Apply a full day ticket that allows visitors out of the museum is free for 1 day.

                     Kyushu National museum

                    (Kyushu Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan) is a historical museum run by the National Institute of Cultural Relics in Dazaifu, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Museum occupies a 7-storey building, including two underground floors. Museum location is near Dazaifu Tenman-gu. Different from the national museum in Tokyo, Kyoto and Nara are more of an art museum, the National Museum Kyushu is museumsejarah. The museum was built to understand the Japanese culture from the viewpoint of Asia. In ancient times, Kyushu is the gateway of trade and cultural exchanges with other nations in Asia. Museum collection includes artifacts from the Stone Age until akhirzaman old Edo. Museum development in Kyushu was aspired by Okakura Tenshin since the previous century. Founding of the museum had dirintisDazaifu Tenman-gu since 1893, but only materialized in 2005.

                     5. A wide range of Tourist Attraction in the Capital of Japan is Tokyo

                     Akihabara or Akihabara Electronics center

                    (Akihabara Denki Gai) is located in the shopping district sekitarStasiun Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan. By train, from Tokyo to Akihabara Station takes less than five minutes. Electronic center precisely located in the Akihabara Akihabara, Shinjuku district of the city and the Soto-Kanda Chiyoda city district. Akihabara is often shortened to Akiba. Akihabara is a shopping center for electronic goods, electronic parts, anime, manga, and doujinshi. This region is surgaotaku in anime, manga, and video games. In this place there are many maid cafe.

                    DisneySea Tokyo

                    is a theme park located in Tokyo Disney Resort, precisely in Urayasu, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. This amusement park opened on September 4, 2001. DisneySea are the property of The Oriental Land Company, which has a license from Walt Disney company. Tokyo DisneySea has 7 themes, each of which has a unique style. The entrance is located on the Mediterranean Harbor, which connects us with the six themes, namely: American Waterfront, Lost River Delta, Port Discovery, Mermaid Lagoon, Arabian Coast, and the last one, Mysterious Island.

                    Disney Land Tokyo

                    is a Disney theme park with an area of ​​465.000 m² and achieve a recreational park and Disney's first resort to be built outside the United States. Built by Walt Disney Imagineering, this park is made similar to that located diAnaheim Disneyland, California.


                    Ginza is a district in Shinjuku, Tokyo, located south of Yaesu and Kyobashi, west of Tsukiji, east of Yūrakuchōdan Uchisaiwaichō, or north of Shinbashi. This region is known as a luxury in the Tokyo area. In this place there are a variety of department stores, boutiques, restaurants and cafes. Ginza is known as one of the most luxurious shopping center in the world. The main shops of brand fashion elite here, Chanel, Dior, Abercrombie & Fitch, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton. There is also a showroom Sony and Apple Store Ginza.


                     Hachiko (10 November 1923-8 March 1935) is a male dog Akita Inu type of birth Odate, Akita Prefecture. He is remembered as a symbol of loyalty to the employer's dog. After his master died, Hachiko continued to wait for his employer that does not go home at Shibuya Station, Tokyo.The nickname for him is a Faithful Dog Hachiko (Hachiko Chūken). Hachiko statue in front of Shibuya Station has become one of the signs of land in Shibuya. When making an appointment to meet in Shibuya, people often promise to meet in front of the statue of Hachiko.

                       Tokyo Tower

                       Tokyo Tower is a tower in Shiba Park, Tokyo, Japan. Overall height of 332.6 m and is building the world's tallest steel tower which itself upright in the ground. Based on the aviation safety regulations, the tower is painted with international orange with white in places. Lower surrounding buildings, so the Tokyo Tower can be seen from various locations in the city center. Tokyo tower known as the symbol of the city of Tokyo and attraction rather than its function as an analog TV transmitter tower antenna (UHF / VHF), local digital TV and FM radio. In addition, the company's East Japan Railway trains use this tower to put antennas emergency train radio system, and a number of measuring instruments installed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Office of Environment.

                        Tokyo Dome

                        (Tōkyō Domu, TYO: 9681) is a baseball stadium with a capacity of 55 000 seats (the actual capacity: 42,000 seats) in Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo Dome is the nickname for the Big Egg (Big Egg). The stadium was opened on March 17, 1988. Located in the former Velodrom stadium next to the stadium Kourakuen which has also been dismantled. Tokyo Dome is the home stadium of baseball team Yomiuri Giants. In addition to baseball, Tokyo Dome is also used for the game of basketball, American football, soccer, professional wrestling, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, monster truck races, and music concerts. Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame is also located in this stadium.

                        Tokyo Dome City

                        Tokyo Dome City is an integrated entertainment area cored Tokyo Dome and Tokyo Dome Hotel in Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan. This area until January 1, 2000 known as the Big Egg City. Within this complex there is a baseball stadium Tokyo Dome, Tokyo Dome City playground Attractions (until 2003 called Korakuen Yūenchi) [1], and Korakuen Hall. A spa resort called LaQua near the playground opened in May 2003. Tokyo Dome baseball stadium is the largest roofed baseball stadium in the world (his nickname is Big Egg Big Egg alias). The stadium is home to Tokyo Yomiuri Giants baseball team.

sumber kutipan : www.wikipedia.org